DATE: Saturday, November 13, 2004 PREVIEW DATE: Friday November 12th from 6-9 pm EVENT: THE ARTFUL GIFT HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE EVENT DETAILS: Shop for decorative holiday and gift items.www.artfulgiftshop.com EVENT HOURS: Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm. Preview::: Friday, 6-9 pm LOCATION: 1453B Church Street, Vienna, Virginia, 22180, Telephone:: 703.242.1220
DATE: Thursday, October 28, 2004 EVENT: PANDAMANIA Book Signing EVENT DETAILS: The artists who participated in the Pandamania public art project will be autographing the official Pandamania Book. Wine and Cheese reception. EVENT HOURS: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm LOCATION: The Trover Shop - 221 Pennsylvania Avenue South East, Washington, DC 20003, next to the Library of Congress. Phone: 202-547-BOOK. Online information is available at: www.trover.com The Official Pandamania Book can also be purchased at major bookstores and online at: :www.orangefrazer.com
DATE: Saturday, October 9, 2004 EVENT: PANDAMANIA AUCTION, Book and Poster Signing EVENT DETAILS: Live Auction www.pandamaniaauction.org - Full details to follow EVENT HOURS: Details to follow LOCATION: Wardham Marriot Hotel, Washington, DC LARGE PANDA - PRE-BID ONLINE AUCTION: Large Panda Pre-Bid Auction MINIATURE PANDA - ONLINE AUCTION: LINK TO MINIATURE PANDA ONLINE AUCTION
DATE: Saturday, October 9, 2004 EVENT: Official Pandamania Book and Poster Signing EVENT DETAILS: The artists who participated in the Pandamania project will be autographing the official Pandamania Book and Poster. Books can be purchased online at :www.orangefrazer.com EVENT HOURS: 4:30 pm - 5 pm LOCATION: Wardham Marriot Hotel, Washington, DC
DATE: October 2, 2004 - Saturday EVENT: ART ON THE AVENUE - 9th Annual Art Festival EVENT DETAILS: Debbie Smith Mezzetta selling a variety of handmade ornaments, greeting cards and other one of a kind decorative gift items with Artist Kim Silhanek. Art on the Avenue is a multi-cultural arts, crafts and music festival celebrating community diversity though the arts in the Potomac West area of Alexandria, Virginia. Over 200 artists sold their original creations. www.artontheavenue.com EVENT HOURS: 10:00 am —6:00 pm LOCATION: Along Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA, In the Del Ray neighborhood.
DATE: Early May through September, 2004 EVENT: “PANDAMANIA” Public Arts Project EXHIBITING: On View to the Public: “Chocolate Dipped StrawBeary” Panda - EVENT DETAILS: www.pandamaniadc.org EVENT HOURS: On view 24 hours in front of Caribou Coffee May thru approximately mid September, 2004, and Sept. 20- Oct. 20 LOCATION: May thru mid September, 2004: At the intersection of 17th and Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC, in front of sponsor Caribou Coffee, Across the street from the Smithsonian Renwick Museum and the Old Executive Office Building, down the street from The White House.- Between September 20 - October 20 - At the Gardens of the Marriot Wardham Park Hotel 2660 Woodley Road, NW., Washington, DC. Other Pandas were also on view at American University, Main Campus, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW., Washington, DC.
DATE: September 10 - 26, 2004 EVENT: Fresh For Fall - 2004 Fall All Member Show This Fall Show celebrates the diverse talents of the DRA membership with a “Fresh for Fall” kind of feeling’ www.radiodelray.com/artisans EXHIBITING: 1) "Tomatoes Dream of the Beach," a small oil pastel, watercolor and colored pencil drawing; and 2) "I Saw Right Through Her," a whimsical earring/necklace set based on the magic trick of sawing a woman in half. Each earning represents one half of the box with one half of the woman sticking out. The necklace is a tiny saw on a silk handkerchief cording. EVENT HOURS: Opening Reception: Friday, September 10, 2004 - 7:00 - 10:00 PM EXHIBIT HOURS: Thursdays 6-9 pm, Saturdays 10-4 pm, Sunday noon - 4pm LOCATION: Del Ray Artisans Gallery - Nicholas A. Colosanto Center - 2704 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA, 703-838-4827
DATE: September 18, 2004 - Saturday EVENT: MASON DISTRICT FESTIVAL EVENT DETAILS: I will be selling art work and other decorative gifts items with local beekeeper Charles W. Cook, owner of Annandale Honey. EVENT HOURS: 10 am - 4 pm LOCATION: Mason District Park along Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA
DATE: June 4 - July 18, 2004 EVENT: FUN AND GAMES Redux - Art Exhibit & Events Get inspired by humankind’s eternal quest for a good time! www.radiodelray.com/artisans EXHIBITING: “Tic Tac Toast” Waffle Clock. EVENT HOURS: Opening Reception: Friday, June 4, 2004 - 7:00 PM EXHIBIT PREVIEW: June 3, 6-9 pm - First Thursday EXHIBIT HOURS: Thursdays 7-9 pm, Saturdays 10-4 pm, Sunday noon - 4 pm LOCATION: Del Ray Artisans Gallery - Nicholas A. Colosanto Center - 2704 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA, 703-838-4827
DATE: May 30 & 31, 2004— Sunday and Monday EVENT: VIVA VIENNA - 20th Annual Town Festival EVENT DETAILS: Decorative Face and Body Painting by Debbie Smith Mezzetta. Arts & Crafts Vendors Sunday & Monday - Live Music & Entertainment Afternoons & Evenings - Wide Assortment of Food & Drink - Carnival Rides for Adults & Children. For Information Visit www.vivavienna.org or call 703-255-4742 EVENT HOURS: FACE PAINTING: 10 - 2, Sunday and Monday. FESTIVAL: Saturday, May 29, 10 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sunday, May 30, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Monday, May 31, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. LOCATION: Debbie will be in front of The Artful Gift Shop, 703-242-1220, located at the intersection of Church and Lawyers, Vienna, VA, The Town Festival will be located along historic Church Street.
February 13-29, 2004 DESERT ISLAND CHALLENGE Del Ray Artisans Gallery Colosanto Center 2704 Mt. Vernon Ave. Alexandria, VA Each of 30 participants has been given one of three boxes filled with various odds and ends. The goal is to create art using ONLY the materials found in the box. Artists are not allowed to use brushes, canvas, scissors or any other tools or materials (other than water) that are not included in the box.
February 6, 2004 "RED2" DEL RAY ARTISANS --VALENTINE DANCE PARTY & SILENT HEART AUCTION FUNDRAISER EXHIBITING: “Guppy Love”© The Del Ray Artisans’ Valentine-themed “RED2” fundraiser features a Silent Heart Auction of unique, decorated hearts handmade valentine cards. Raffles, desserts, champagne, coffee bar, and entertainment by the award-winning band "Ruthie and the Wranglers." http://www.radiodelray.com/artisans. Proceeds from this event benefit DRA’s community arts programs.
January 23 - 25, 2004 "Be Dazzled" Falls Church Arts All Member Show Art Exhibition Celebrating the creativity of local artists. Opening Reception: January 23, 2004, 6:00 - 10:00 pm. Location: Don Beyer Volvo 12131 W. Broad St., Falls Church, VA http://www.fallschurcharts.org/
Jan. 19, 2004 CARD MAKING PARTY Del Ray Artisans Gallery 2704 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA
Saturday, December 6, 2003 The 9th Annual Del Ray Artisans - HOLIDAY ART & CRAFTS SALE LOCATION: Del Ray Artisans Gallery -- Colosanto Center 2704 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA
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Sat & Sun, November 15-16, 2003 37th ANNUAL GPNS CRAFT FAIR Bethesda Women's Club, LOCATION: Bethesda Women's Club, Sonoma Road, Bethesda, MD *Note: I will not be on site during this craft fair, but my new designs of decorative gift items will be available, as will the work of many other artists.
November 9-10, 2003. THE ARTFUL GIFT - HOLIDAY SHOW & SALE Shop for unique handcrafted gifts created by a variety of local and regional artist. I will introduce new Switchplate designs and sizes at this show -- along with other one of a kind decorative items and new designs. My decorative home items and gifts are regularly available at this lovely little gift shop. 1458 Church St., NW., Vienna, VA 2180. 703-242-1220 Wed - Fri. 11-6/ Sat 11-5/ Sun 1-5
APRIL 19, 2003 - October, 2003 OCEAN CITY BEACH BIRD Public Arts Project EXHIBITING: "Chocolate Bird" My design was chosen to decorate a 5' x 6' bird sculpture to be exhibited in Ocean City, Maryland. The decorated Beach Bird was on display in front of the candy store "Wockenfuss Candies" located at S Atlantic Ave at S 1st St. -- right on the tip of the peninsula along the boardwalk facing the Atlantic Ocean. 50 artists were chosen to decorate the birds which were on display from April until the auction in October, 2003 -- to raise money for the arts in the Ocean City, MD vicinity.www.ocbeachbirds.com
Saturday, October 4, 2003 ART ON THE AVENUE A multicultural art festival. I exhibited dinosaur ornaments, gift cards new Switchplate designs, . Alexandria, VA (Del Ray)
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 - 12:00 noon - 7 pm CLARENDON DAY Clarendon, VA (Arlington) Many local bands, food, microbrews, and children's events will be featured in this community event. The weekly Antiques & Collectibles Market will also begin at 9 a.m. I will be featuring whimsical ornaments, cards, and my new decorative switchplate covers. www.clarendondays.org
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Saturday, September 13, 2003 Art Festival Demonstrations Alexandria, VA
Saturday, August 30, 2003 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Arts and Industries Building (The Castle), Washington, DC "Ladies' Colonial Shoes, Size 1776 (a.k.a. Peach Cobbler).A one day exhibit representing works by local Alexandria, Virginia artists. I exhibited a decorative sculpture created for Alexandria's 2002 birthday. The sculpture is a pair of handmade ladies' colonial-style shoes created from peach-toned silk brocade. The soles and heels are crafted from cobblestones and mortar.
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May 25-26, 2003 VIVA VIENNA Vienna, VA, in front of The Artful Gift Shop Selling Gift Items and decorative body painting
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April 19, 2003 ART BOOK FAIR FESTIVAL Free decorative body painting for participants along with several other artists pals. LOCATION: Alexandria Parks and Recreation. Commonwealth Blvd., Alexandria, VA
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March 7-23, 2003 TREASURES RECLAIMED: Exhibited a Handmade Wall Sconce candelabra created from wire hangers and broken glass vase. Springwater Fiber Workshop & Del Ray Artisans Collaboration. Del Ray Artisans Gallery: Nicholas A. Colosanto Center 2704 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA.
Feb. 7-23, 2003 "RED - Auction Exhibit and Fundraiser" EXHIBITING: "Swimmers Rear"© * * * WINNER - BEST OF SHOW for "Swimmers Rear" * * * LOCATION: Del Ray Artisans Gallery: Nicholas A. Colosanto Center ,Alexandria, Virginia
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January 20, 2003 CARD MAKING PARTY Del Ray Artisans Gallery: Nicholas A. Colosanto Center ,Alexandria, Virginia
2001 and 2002 HIGHLIGHTS:
November 1, 2002 PARTY ANIMALS "Why Do Elephants Paint Their Toenails Red? So They Can Hide In Cherry Trees" is an elephant decorated for the Washington, DC Arts & Humanities "Party Animals" public arts project and was auctioned off on Nov. 1, 2002 for $4,700.00. Results of PARTY ANIMALS ONLINE AUCTION can be viewed online at: www.partyanimalsdcauction.org, or via the following link: http://www.partyanimalsdcauction.org/cgi-bin/auction.cgi?action=BuyerViewProductDetail &Prod uctID=1000000000082706
October, 2002 ART ON THE AVENUE Alexandria, VA Dinosaur Ornaments and Lady Hairdo pins
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NOVEMBER 8-24, 2002: "SEASONS" Del Ray Artisans Group Exhibit created in two or three dimensions, reflecting an imaginative interpretation of the many nuances of the theme, Seasons.
December 5, 2002 HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE Del Ray Artisans Gallery Selling a variety of Handmade Holiday Ornaments.
DECEMBER 12, 2002 PARTY ANIMALS' BOOK SIGNING AT BORDERS BOOKS, WASHINGTON, DC c The Official Party Animals Keepsake Book is a pictorial record of the largest public art project in the history of Washington, DC. The book includes full-color photographs of each decorated 'Party Animals' Elephant and Donkey. Purchase your own copy of The Official Keepsake Book: "Party Animals, Washington, DC" at Borders Book or at www.partyanimalsdc.org. The elephant I painted is featured in front of the National Cathedral on page 35.www.orangefrazer.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=OFPI&Pr oduct _Code=1882203879&Category_Code=URBAN